Owned by Physicians Delivering Quality PPE Since 1992 COVID-19 changed our daily lives forever and impacted the availability of many health and safety products we need every day. None more important than Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). DSDVet was founded in March 2020 by Physician/Medical Suppliers specializing in providing millions of PPE products to the global market for three decades.
DSDVet was built on the foundation of “complete transparency”! Buyers meet our factory team and work side-by-side with us, guaranteeing the highest quality from the factory floor to your door! Seeing is believing, and we look forward to having our expert team work with you to customize your PPE needs.
"We create custom-tailored solutions as your PPE needs evolve!"
We ensure your products are produced with the optimal resources and quality at every stage, amounting to greater affordability and predictability in the most difficult times!
Our process is designed to create a smooth, reliable, and secure environment for our buyers to ensure that you have the desired experience.